The nature loving agency

Sustainability Communication Webinar for Scandinavian Outdoor Group

Who do we need to convince to create positive change in society – and how should we do it? Gabriel Arthur, Editor-in-Chief for Suston Magazine and CEO of NORR Agency, hosted a digital presentation about sustainability communication for Scandinavian Outdoor Group (SOG), where some of the topics covered in the presentation were:  Why is transparency critical? Can messaging still be emotional? What are “sustainability personas” and how do you adapt your messages towards these different personas?

As a journalist and editor, Gabriel Arthur has over 25 years of experience covering environmental and CSR issues.

“Another key question with sustainability is of course ‘what is our motivation’? Is it simply about finding new ways to sell more gear? Or can your company become a driving, positive force in a transition towards a more sustainable society? For the latter group – which I think is growing – there are several ways to create engaging communication that is at the same time transparent”, says Gabriel.

Scandinavian Outdoor Group is an industry association for the leading outdoor brands from the Nordic countries, with over 70 member companies.