Graphic profile production
In 2015, we helped the Stockholm Cooperative Housing Association (SKB) to produce their new graphic profile. It is now the basis for when we help with the production of everything from SKB car decals to printed material.
Five Year Anniversary of 365
In spring of 2011, we produced the first issue of 365 on behalf of the outdoor retailer Naturkompaniet. When issue No. 1 reached members of the customer club in January 2016, 365 could celebrate five years as a magazine! According to Orvesto the newspaper currently reaches 116,000 active and very satisfied readers.
Scandinavian Outdoor News No. 1 2016
The Scandinavian Outdoor Group (SOG) is composed of about fifty of the leading Scandinavian outdoor brands. Since 2009, we have produced the B2B magazine Scandinavian Outdoor News for them twice a year, before the big international trade fairs of ISPO and Outdoor.